商鋪:http://m.ahjyjcgs.com/b-yjchemnet/ 地址:廣東省東莞市高步鎮寶蓮工業園區
東莞市原基塑膠有限公司是專業生產PVC無毒熱穩定劑及橡塑助劑廠商,占地面積約4000平方米,年生產力PVC穩定 劑一萬噸,年生產橡塑助劑一萬噸.有十多年PVC添加劑和橡塑助劑的生產,銷售及技術服務經驗.并于近幾年著力開發 無毒環保高效穩定劑及橡塑助劑,在行業與客戶保待良好交流互動,質量可與日本.歐美同行產品相媲美.
Primordium Plastic Products Co.,Ltd. of Dongguan City is a Professional production of PVC heat-stable non-toxic detergents and plastics additives manufacturers, PVC stabilizer production of 3,000 tons, more than a decade the production of PVC processing additives sales and technical service experience, and focus on the development in recent years highly efficent and stable non-toxic environmental agents and rubber auxiliaries,in the industry to maintain good communication with our customers to interact with the quality of Japan, Europe and the United States counterparts product proposition.
Companies with the industry a substantial emphasis on technological exchanges, and constantly gaining experience, the key is to strengthen the technology development efforts, pay close attention to the plastic products manufacturers in the production of plastic when the new issues, to explore a professional team to quickly provide customers with solutions for clients solving practical problems, in the industry to establish a network of close interaction.
Companies adhere to the “honest, friendly, interactive, realistic,” business principles, and actively create a competitive team to take up social responsibilities,is willing to work with partners in good faith to jointly contribute to the development of rubber industry, the strength of our meager.