BSA1T英國斯派莎克波紋管截止閥可廣泛用于石油化工、電力、冶金、電子、真空、儀表、紡織等行業的水蒸汽、油品等非腐蝕性流體系統管路中。斯派莎克截止閥采用雙重組合密封,以雙層不銹鋼波紋管截止閥作為閥桿密封元件,同時以石墨填料作為二次輔助 密封,真正杜絕泄露。閥瓣與閥體之間采用經精細研磨的錐面密封進一步確保了閥桿處動態和靜態密封性能的高度可靠,使其在各種工況下都表現出卓越的密封性能。BSA1T Spirax Sarco UK bellows globe valve can be widely used in petrochemical, electric power, metallurgy, electronics, vacuum, instrumentation, textile and other industries of water steam, oil and other non-corrosive fluid system piping. Spirax Sarco valves double combination sealed to double stainless steel bellows valve stem seal element as the same time as a secondary auxiliary graphite packing seal, stamp out the leak. Used between the valve and the valve body by fine grinding of conical valve stem seals further ensure the dynamic and static sealing performance at a highly reliable, so that in a variety of conditions have shown excellent sealing performance。
斯派莎克SpiraxSarco截止閥BSA型波紋管密封截止閥的口徑從DN15-DN250,可提供各種不同的材質,從鑄鐵材質的BSA1,球墨鑄鐵的BSA2和鑄鋼材質的BSA3型截止閥連接標準有法蘭,螺紋和承插焊接等,壓力等級可達PN40,ANSI 300和CLASS 800。高工作溫度可425C°,可用于高溫系統.從而用一種閥即可滿足各種不同的工業應用要求,并確保長的使用壽命,免維修及堅固結實。