亞洲的 日本是生產與使用MBS樹脂抗沖擊改性劑的重要國家,其生產MBS樹脂的產量(品種)高,而在PVC加工消耗MBS樹脂的比例占抗沖擊改性劑總量的40-5O%圈。1985年日本耗MBS樹脂抗沖擊改性劑達16kt,1988年達18kt, 到1991年增至27kt。而1996年為31.3kt,在1991—1996年度該國MBS樹脂消費增長率為3%。歐洲(西部為主)是MBS樹脂生產及消耗的熱點地區之一。由于文化藝術水平及建筑裝潢工業建設材料水準高和需求旺盛,故歐洲的年耗量比較可觀。據統計,1990年消耗ABS/MBS/MABS總量達78kt,其中MBS樹脂在三者中占顯著比例值。到1996年時三者總耗量增至80kt。上述二年度中三者占該洲總抗沖擊改性劑與加工改性劑耗量的比例分別為54.5%、52.3% ,消費增長率約2%。歐洲耗MBS樹脂多用于 包裝瓶、薄膜和片材生產。
廣裕塑膠原料有限公司是一家專業從事塑膠原料銷售的誠信企業。公司成立于2009年2月,位于中國塑膠原料集散地樟木頭塑膠原料市場。本公司還長期供應PA6、PA66、PBT、、POM、PC,PC/ABS ABS CPE,K膠等公司貨源充足,品種齊全,價格合理。代理臺灣長春 韓國工程 韓國三星全系列產品……;與客戶建立“互信、互惠、互利”的長期合作關系;公司以“充足的貨源、誠信的合作”之營銷理念為客戶提供服務,以求更好的發展,共創雙贏。我公司以的產品及誠信的服務在塑膠原料銷售行業中贏得了良好的口碑,并深受廣大客戶的信賴 。
Plastic Raw Materials Co. Ltd. is a professional engaged in the sale of plastic
raw materials integrity enterprises. The company was established in February
2009 and is located in the Chinese plastic raw material distribution center,
the wood plastic raw material market. The company also has long supplied PA6,
PA66, PBT, POM, PC, PC/ABS ABS CPE, K glue and other companies with sufficient
supplies, complete varieties, and reasonable prices. Acting Taiwan Changchun
Korea Engineering Korea Samsung full series of products; Establish a long-term
cooperative relationship of mutual trust, mutual benefit and mutual benefit
with customers; The company with "sufficient supply, honest
cooperation" marketing concept for customers to provide quality services,
in order to better development, create a win-win. Our company with high quality
products and good faith services in the plastic material sales industry has won
a good reputation, and is deeply trusted by customers....