萊州宗信特種線纜公司是 1997 年 12 月由原萊州市電線廠改制后組建的股份制有限公司。以生產圓、扁軟電纜為主,為用戶提供了高質量的移動電纜和技術服務。
本公司是生產電線電纜的專業化公司,擁有二十余年的生產經驗,公司的生產設備先進,檢測設備齊全,產品質量優良,也是歷年檢測審核的合格單位, 2002 年 5 月又取得了國家質量認證審核中心頒發的《 GB/T9001-2000 idt IS9001 : 2000 質量管理體系標準合格證書》。
我公司的售前、售中和售后服務熱情、誠懇、周到,產品實行“三包”,因此,我公司 產品在用戶中享有良好的聲譽。
Established in December 1997,Laizhou Zongxin Special cable Co.,Ltd is based on the former No,2 Electric Wire Factory of Laizhou. Its main products are round flat soft cable. Users will supplied with movable cable of high quality and first-class technical service.
Specialized in producing electric wire cable, this company, which has 20years of experience, has adopted advanced productive equipment. After many years of testing and checking, this company has the certificate and has been considered as a qualified unit complete modem testing facilities as well as products of high quality. In May,2002,it achieved GB/T9001-2000 itd ISO 9001:2000 Guality Management System Certificate issued by the National Quality Certificate Checking Centre.
This company offers passionate,earnest and considerate services before sale, on sale and after sale. We undertake three responsibilities for our products. As a result, our products are renowned nationwide among the users.