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杜邦成核劑Surlyn 9910
產品/服務: 瀏覽次數:226杜邦成核劑Surlyn 9910 
型 號: 杜邦成核劑Surlyn 9910 
品 牌: 杜邦 
單 價: 50.00元/kg 
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
更新日期: 2016-08-18  有效期至:長期有效
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 產品型號:  杜邦成核劑Surlyn 9910
 產品品牌:  杜邦

uPontTM Surlyn? 9910
Product Description DuPontTM Surlyn? 9910 thermoplastic resin is an advanced ethylene/methacrylic acid
(E/MAA) copolymer, in which the MAA acid groups have been partially neutralized
with zinc ions. The amount of MAA and neutralization levels for this grade result in a
combination of high clarity, stiffness and abrasion resistance, along with a very low
melt flow index of 0.7. The resin can be extruded, blow molded, and injection molded.
In golf ball covers, it provides excellent durability, especially when blended with other
grades of Surlyn? made with different cations. It complies with the provisions of U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Title 21 Code of Regulations 177:1330.
Product Characteristics
Processing Method Extrusion
Blow Molding
Injection Molding
Material Status Commercial: Active
Availability Globally
Cation Type Zn
Uses Sporting Goods
Manufacturer / Supplier DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers
Physical Nominal Values Test Method
Density 0.97g/cm3 ASTM D792 ? ISO 1183
Melt Flow Rate (190°C/2.16kg) 0.7g/10 min ASTM D1238 ? ISO 1133
Thermal Nominal Values Test Method
Brittle Temperature ?105°C (?157°F) ASTM D746
Melting Point (DSC) 187°F (86°C) ASTM D3418 ? ISO 3146
Vicat Softening Point (Rate B) 144°F (62°C) ASTM D1525 ? ISO 306
CLTE, Flow (?20°C to 32°C) 140μm/m/°C ASTM D696
Freezing Point (DSC) 115°F (46°C) ASTM D3418
Mechanical Nominal Values Test Method
Abrasion Resistance 610NBS Index ASTM D1630
Flexural Modulus (73° F) 330MPa (47862psi) ASTM D790

Flexural Modulus (?4° F) 731MPa (106023psi) ASTM D790
Ross Flex (compression molded, 3.2mm
thick, pierced 2.5mm wide, 73° F)
1000cycles ASTM D1052
Ross Flex (?20° F) 100cycles ASTM D1052
Tensile Elongation @ Break (73° F) 290% ASTM D638 ? ISO 527?2
Tensile Strength @ Break (73° F) 24.8MPa (3597psi) ASTM D638 ? ISO 527?2
Tensile Strength @ Yield (Type IV bars,
compression molded, 5.0 cm/min, 73° F)
13.8MPa (2002psi) ASTM D638
Impact Nominal Values Test Method
Notched Izod Impact (73° F) 6.8ft?lb/in ASTM D256
Tensile Impact Strength (73° F) 485ft?lb/in2 ASTM D1822
Tensile Impact Strength (?40° F) 480ft?lb/in2 ASTM D1822
Hardness Nominal Values Test Method
Durometer Hardness (Shore D) 64 ASTM D2240 ? ISO 868
Optical Nominal Values Test Method
Haze (0.250 in) 6% ASTM D1003
Elastomer Nominal Values Test Method
Tear Strength (73° F) not yet determined ASTM D624
Processing Information
FDA Status Surlyn? industrial resins are available that comply with US FDA 21 CFR 177.1330.
For more information contact your DuPont sales office.
Safety & Handling Surlyn? 9910 as supplied by DuPont is not considered a hazardous material. As with
any hot material, care should be taken to protect the hands and other exposed parts
of the body when handling molten polymer. At recommended processing
temperatures, small amounts of fumes may evolve from the resins. When resins are
overheated, more extensive decomposition may occur. Adequate ventilation should
be provided to remove the fumes from the work area. Disposal of scrap presents no
special problems and can be by landfill or incineration in a properly operated
incinerator. Disposal should comply with local, state, and federal regulations. Resin
pellets can be a slipping hazard. Loose pellets should be swept up promptly to
prevent falls.
For more detailed information on the safe handling and disposal of DuPont resins, a
Product Safety Bulletin and OSHA Material Safety Data Sheet can be obtained from
the DuPont Packaging Products sales office serving you.

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