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您當前的位置:首頁 » 塑料銷售 » 美國杜邦(科慕) PTFE 601 X
美國杜邦(科慕) PTFE 601 X
產品/服務: 瀏覽次數:348美國杜邦(科慕) PTFE 601 X 
規 格: 凈含量25kg 
單 價: 1.00元/ 
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發貨
更新日期: 2022-04-18  有效期至:長期有效
聯 系 人: 楊海金 (先生)

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 產品規格:  凈含量25kg
產品名稱: 美國杜邦(科慕) PTFE 601 X極高分子量優異的延展性

產品名稱: 美國杜邦(科慕) PTFE 601 X




Product Information Description Teflon? PTFE 601 X is a polytetrafluoroethylene fine powder resin used primarily for paste extrusion. Teflon? PTFE 601 X offers the excellent combination of properties typical of Teflon? fluoroplastic resins: ? Chemical inertness to nearly all industrial chemicals and solvents ? Superior in-use thermal stability (low thermal instability index) ? Exceptional dielectric properties, stable with frequency and temperature ? Toughness and flexibility ? Low coefficient of friction ? Non-stick characteristics ? Negligible moisture absorption ? Excellent weather resistance ? Service temperature up to 260 °C (500 °F) ? Useful properties at –240 °C (–400 °F) ? Moderate stiffness and high ultimate elongation Teflon? PTFE 601 X is designed for processing at low to medium reduction ratios of 10:1 to 300:1. It is particularly suitable for unsintered stretched products and for sintered products with high mechanical properties. Teflon? PTFE 601 X meets the requirements of ASTM D4895, Type I, Grade 1, Class A. Typical Applications Teflon? PTFE 601 X is mainly used for unsintered articles, including filter membranes and gaskets. Processing Teflon? PTFE 601 X is extruded using a liquid processing aid, such as naphtha. In the paste extrusion process, the powder is mixed with a lubricant aid and then compressed into a cylindrical preform slug under light pressure (1.5–2.0 MPa [220–290 psi]). The preform slug is placed in the cylinder of a paste extruder, where the composition is forced under high pressure through a finishing die to produce beading, tubing, or wire coatings. After extrusion, the product is a low-density, but coherent, fibrous structure. After removal of the lubricant by heating within the range of 100–300 °C (212–572 °F), the extrudate can be either sintered above its melting point of around 345 °C (653 °F) to produce a void-free PTFE article or calendered and stretched to produce unsintered or semi-sintered articles. Food Contact Compliance Properly processed products (sintered at high temperatures common to the industry) made from Teflon? PTFE 601 X resin can qualify for use in contact with food in compliance with FDA 21 CFR 177.1550 and European Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011. For details and information, please contact your Chemours sales representative. Safety Precautions Before processing any fluoroplastics, read the Safety Data Sheet, available upon request from our Customer Service Group at (844) 773-CHEM/2436 in the U.S. or (302) 773-1000 outside of the U.S. Also read the detailed information in the latest edition of the “Guide to the Safe Handling of Fluoropolymer Resins,” published by the Fluoropolymers Division of The Society of the Plastics Industry (www.fluoropolymers.org) or by PlasticsEurope (www.plasticseurope.org). Teflon? PTFE 601 X Teflon? PTFE 601 X Fine Powder Fluoroplastic Resin Storage and Handling Teflon? PTFE fine powder resins must be handled carefully to avoid shearing the powder prior to extrusion. Fibrillation by shearing is not reversible, and damaged particles can appear as defects in the finished product. As temperature is reduced below the transition point of 19 °C (66 °F), the powder becomes progressively less sensitive to mechanical damage or compaction in its containers. Chemours recommends that powder compacted during shipping and storage be restored to its optimum condition by cooling it for one or two days below 19 °C (66 °F), followed by screening through a 2 to 4.76 mm opening sieve (4 to 10 mesh). Lumps that are retained on the sieve that can be broken up by shaking at temperatures below 19 °C (66 °F) may be used; however, harder lumps that cannot be broken up should be discarded. All processing steps prior to preforming should be done at reduced temperature, but ambient dew point must be controlled to prevent condensation on the resin. Storage and handling facilities should be clean to avoid any crosscontamination. The high sintering temperature causes even very small foreign particles to become visible or to cause defects in finished products. Keep resin drums closed and clean. Packaging Teflon? PTFE 601 X resin is packaged in 27.2-kg (60-lb) plastic containers. For convenient shipment, orders in multiples of 326.4-kg (720-lb) pallets (12 drums) are recommended.
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