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青島城陽汽車模具 Company introduction: Higrade Group is established on 2003, which is coveredan area of 60 acres. We are mainly managing
2017-05-19 |
青島城陽家電模具 Company introduction: Higrade Group is established on 2003, which is coveredan area of 60 acres. We are mainly managing
2017-05-19 |
城陽汽車模具哪家比較好? The first trialsuccess rate is above 95% Quotation : providequotation in 24hours after received the customer’s drawing
2017-05-18 |
城陽家電模具哪家比較強? Higrade Group isestablished on 2003, which is covered an area of 60 acres. We are mainlymanaging injection mould, stamp
2017-05-18 |
家電注塑模具 青島海瑞德集團成立于2003年,占地60畝,集團下設模具制品、金屬制品、塑膠制品、沖壓制品四個子公司,擁有Hexagon(Swiss)三坐標測量
2017-04-27 |
城陽冰箱注塑模具 {模具鋼料}:2738HH,NAK80,738、2344、S136、SDK61、P20、PX5等 {模具壽命}:50~100萬次 {產品材料}:ABS、PP、PE、PC等 {模具型腔}:1*1
2017-04-27 |
青島注塑模具 模具首試成功率95%以上 {報價時間}:接到客戶詢價資料后會在24小時內報出價格! {報價所需資料}:產品2D/3D圖或所要報價的產品樣件。
2017-04-27 |
城陽冰箱注塑模具 模具出廠前,鉗工質檢所要做的工作: 鉗工 質檢 首先模具由各鉗工負責
2017-04-27 |