

PU制品 EVA制品 PU浴枕 PU輪胎 家具扶手 汽車配件 醫療器械

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直銷PU浴枕 EVA戶外浴缸枕頭 PU枕
產品/服務: 瀏覽次數:298PU制品 PU浴枕 EVA枕頭 
型 號:
規 格: 浴缸配件 
品 牌: 彥彩 
單 價: 20.00元/個 
起訂量: 50 個 
供貨總量: 10000000 個
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 3 天內發貨
更新日期: 2016-03-23  有效期至:長期有效
聯 系 人: ( 登錄可見 )
公司電話: ( 登錄可見 )
即時通訊: ( 登錄可見 )

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 產品型號:  w
 產品規格:  浴缸配件
 產品品牌:  彥彩
A、質量優勢——具有完備檢驗體系,嚴格控制品質,遵循行業標準,質量可信賴。 B、價格優勢——生產從原材料的調配至模具加工制造,五金件的配制等均是在廠里一體化完成,工作 的效率及材料的成本都可以得到有效的控制。 C、新品研發的優勢——重視技術研發,可以根據自身行業的經驗,協助客戶根據市場的需求及時迅速 開發,試驗新品推上市場。 D、服務優勢——我們堅持發展廣泛的電子商務營銷,信息快捷,溝通便捷。服務網絡遍布全國主要城 市,讓客戶能享受更的服務。 宗旨:真誠合作、優良的出品 優惠的價格、準確的貨期。 堅信:以誠待人,收獲良朋摯友!

Foshan Yancai Household Wares Manufacturer is a subsidiary of Guangzhou City Fangchuan Industrial Company. We are located inFoshan City,GuangdongProvince. Since 1998, we have started to produce Polyurethane foam products. Our experience and technology now are very mature and perfect. From allocation of raw materials to metal skeleton processing assembly, all of these processes can be dealt with independently. We are committed to producing and developing massage bathtubs, PU integral skin pillows, cushions, backrests and armrests. All kinds of our products have been certified by SGS EU. Our products have been extensively used in the area of bathroom products, sports equipment, auto parts, furniture, medical appliance and other related fields. The characteristics of our products include soft texture, beautiful color and high quality. They have great elasticity, hydrolytic resistance, heat resistance, wearing resistance and other features. Our products are very durable, and have received favor from most of bath article manufacturers. Sticking to the principle of "high quality of service and products, popular prices", our factory enjoys a good reputation in the bath article industry. We have developed more than 1000 kinds of new products, with a strong technical force. We can develop new products according customers' drawings, samples or designing mold. We treat customers in good faith. You are welcome to make inquiry and place order.




A, quality advantage -- has complete inspection system, strictly control the quality, follow the industry standard, quality reliable.

B, price advantage -- production from raw materials to the deployment of mould processing and manufacturing, hardware configuration, etc. In the factory complete integration, the work 。The efficiency and the cost of material can get effective control.

C, new product research and development advantages-- pay attention to technology research and development, and may, according to their own industry experience, to help customers according to the demand of the market in good time。Development, test new product on the market.

D, service advantage-- we insist on the development of a wide range of e-commerce marketing, the information is swift, communication is convenient. Service network covering the whole country in the main City, so that customers can enjoy a high quality service.


Aim: to sincere cooperation, the fine product。Preferential price, accurate delivery time.


Firmly believe that: with sincerity, reap friends stand aloof from my sore!


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